Sofia: A Modern Portable Baby Crib Inspired by Tradition

A Toy Crib Designed by Studio Höfler

Inspired by a 19th-century Slovenian wooden cart for dolls, the Sofia portable baby crib combines tradition with modern design to create a unique and versatile toy. Designed by Studio Höfler, this crib encourages social play and provides a safe and comfortable space for dolls and plush toys.

The inspiration for the Sofia portable baby crib came from the wooden cart for dolls produced by traditional craftsmen from Ribnica in the 19th century. The designers, Klavdija Höfler, Matej Höfler, and Ana Logar, wanted to create a toy that would be suitable for their daughter and other children. They envisioned a design that would blend seamlessly with the environment and reflect the softness of the relationship between a child and a toy baby.

The crib consists of a basic wooden part with wheels, made from curved plywood. Its elliptical body is cut below to form four legs, which bear the wheels. The crib also features a canopy made of textile that falls over the bed, providing a cozy and intimate space. The canopy is placed on a metal rod inserted into the wooden part. Additionally, the crib comes with a pillow, a blanket, and bedding made of soft foam.

Wood is the main material used in the construction of the crib, while textile is an essential component of the design. The wheels, metal rod, and logo are painted, and the metal rod is made of spring wire. The wood is protected with polish, ensuring its durability. The crib is free from plastic materials, making it safe for children.

The Sofia portable baby crib measures 50.5 x 50.5 x 35.7 cm and weighs 3.490 g. Its compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to transport and store. The crib is designed for children aged three and up and is intended for indoor use.

The project to create the Sofia portable baby crib started in December 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and was completed in September 2015. Throughout the design process, the toy was tested for safety and quality, ensuring compliance with the European Directive on the safety of toys. Mechanical testing and textile adequacy testing were conducted, and feedback from various individuals, including children, was taken into account.

The Sofia portable baby crib presented a unique challenge for the designers. While there were already beds and cribs for playing available on the market, the goal was to reimagine a centuries-old toy and create a design that was interesting, different, simple, and elegant. By drawing inspiration from traditional craftsmanship and incorporating modern elements, Studio Höfler successfully created a toy that is both visually appealing and functional.

The Sofia portable baby crib has received recognition for its outstanding design. In 2016, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Toys, Games, and Hobby Products Design category. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and technical skill, contributing to improvements in quality of life.

Photographer Domen Grögl captured the essence of the Sofia portable baby crib in stunning visuals, showcasing its unique design and functionality.

Studio Höfler holds the intellectual property rights for the Sofia portable baby crib, with design registration and trademark registration. The kukuLila brand, under which the crib is marketed, is protected by copyright.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Klavdija Höfler and Matej Höfler
Image Credits: Photographer Domen Grögl, 2015
Project Team Members: Klavdija Höfler Matej Höfler and Ana Logar, Graphic designer for brand kukuLila
Project Name: Sofia
Project Client: Klavdija Höfler and Matej Höfler

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